
tennishead work experience & internships


Tennishead has a number of opportunities to join our team


Tennishead digital marketing manager

Are you a freelance digital marketer with experience of (or a real passion for) membership/subscriptions/content marketing?

Tennishead has reached its global leading position through organic growth only, but now we want to grow faster.

We are looking for a part-time, freelance, digital marketing specialist who can work from home (ideally in the UK to make time zones and communication easier) for around 2 days per week (but we are flexible on this). The role may then grow depending on success.

The initial focus would be on using our owned and earned digital channels to grow our global membership and customer base as well as increasing eyeballs on our superb content. We need someone that can talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk as this is a very hands on role involving setting the strategy and then carrying out the hard graft. You’d work closely with the CEO on a day to day basis.

A love of sport (especially tennis) would be amazing but not compulsory.

If you want to chat then please email (Sorry no agencies or recruiters at this stage)


Tennishead offers work experience & an internship programme

If you are considering or planning a career as a sports journalist, if sports marketing is your passion or if data acquisition and management is your dream job then you’ve come to right place. Tennishead is based in the UK but has a global reach so it doesn’t matter what country you live in, we are interested in hearing from you.

Tennishead is the World’s largest tennis content brand incorporating our legendary magazine, website, social media, YouTube and much more. Our business uses journalists, marketers, designers and other specialists and we have a programme in place to help train and nurture the stars of the future.


Work experience or internships

We have a variety of ongoing projects that are perfect for someone who is keen to learn the basics of becoming a sports journalist or sports marketing expert and the experience & training you receive will be very valuable in your future career.

As a work experience or internship candidate for a tennis journalist at Tennishead you will receive:

  • Full training on how best to write tennis content for a magazine and/or website
  • Daily feedback on your work and progress plus immediate advice and guidance on how to improve 
  • Social media training
  • Technical training on best practises for writing online including SEO training
  • Full references from the owners of tennishead once you complete your programme
  • Published credits for any of your work that we publish
  • A step in the door for future paid work with tennishead


Our most recent work experience placement was a university undergraduate Michael who was in year 1 of studying sports journalism at university. Michael worked for us for the whole 2 weeks of Wimbledon and during that time he was tasked with watching a number of Wimbledon matches each day and then immediately writing match reports on He was also responsible for posting the best photos of the day onto the tennishead Instagram feed.

Skills required

You need to be a good writer in English and have a good understanding of tennis. You should also be a fast learner as we want people that can work remotely and autonomously after a short training period. You will receive daily feedback & advice so we need people that can learn from their mistakes and take on board advice and apply it to their work immediately.

Please note that all work experience and internships with Tennishead are unpaid and involve working from home.

To be considered, please send your CV and any other relevant information to and we promise to reply quickly

For more detailed information tennishead visit our ‘About Us’ page here