tennishead mag: subscribe today!
Originally published on: 30/11/10 16:48
The tinsel began appearing in September in some parts of the country, but here at tennishead HQ we were having none of that. Now that there’s just four weeks until Santa starts squeezing rackets down chimneys all over the world, however – and the Coca Cola truck ad has been on TV – we’ll happily admit it: Christmas is coming, and we’re a little bit excited.
Part of that excitement is, we admit, the thought of Mum’s turkey with all the trimmings, classic movies and (don’t tell the boss) a bit of time off. But right now, the one thing we can’t wait for will get here long before ol’ Saint Nick does the rounds – the latest issue of tennishead, the sixth and final issue of the year from Britain’s biggest tennis magazine.
Volume 1 Issue 6 hits the shelves of WH Smith, the Fit Co, PWP and discerning newsagents the length and bredth of the country on December 16 2010 – but why battle the Christmas shopping scrums for a copy when you could get tennishead delivered straight to your door, and save yourself some money for the privilege?
Take out a subscription to tennishead magazine before December 16 for £22 and receive the next six issues (newsagent price £25.20) – and claim a free poster for your troubles!
You’ll be glad you did. Inside you will find everything a die-hard tennis fan could ask for – news and results from the ATP and WTA Tours, exclusive player interviews and photo galleries from the world’s biggest tournaments, expert coaching advice, kit and equipment reviews and travel tips for avid players and fans alike. Makes the perfect gift for a tennis-obsessed loved one as well…
So what are you waiting for? Click here to subscribe today!